Strategy, social movement outcomes, and the ‘mass protest decade’

by | 12 Jun 2024 | Events | 0 comments

Book Cover: If We Burn, by Vincent BevinsWith Vincent Bevins, Birgan Gokmenoglu, Kate Alexander, Simin Fadaee, chaired by Luke Yates
Cordingly Lecture Theatre, HBS, Monday 17th June, 3.15-5pm

Vincent Bevins, journalist and author of The Jakarta Method (an account of US government support for anti-communist mass killings from the Cold War onwards) and If We Burn: The Mass Protest Decade and the Missing Revolution joins us in a discussion of the relationships between social movement consequences, especially in the wake of the last major protest wave of the 21st century. Vincent will introduce the themes of his most recent book, which asks why many of the 2010-2020 protest movements, some of the biggest in history, seemed to lead to the opposite of what they asked for. Following this provocation, a panel of invited movement scholars: Birgan Gokmenoglu, Kate Alexander, and Simin Fadaee, will reflect on the wider question of what we know about movement consequences and strategy, and will lead into an open discussion about what’s next for activists and critical scholars.

This event is open to all, no registration required. It is kindly supported by the Sociology Department at the University of Manchester, and is part of the 2024 Alternative Futures and Popular Protest conference, is open to all. Any queries to