Category: The Blog

Women at the Front Lines

Women at the Front Lines

An Email-Conversation with Professor Mervat F. Hatem from the Department of Political Science, Howard University on the Role of Women in the Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Egypt. UF: In your most recent article in current issue of the Middle East Report 268 you...

Cartooning and Activism: Humour is a Weapon

Cartooning and Activism: Humour is a Weapon

Environmental and social justice campaigners have a reputation for being po faced moralists who lecture people about the woes of the world, and it's partly deserved, and partly because, well, how do you approach these themes without defaulting into that tone? Well,...

Defining Terms, Blurring Boundaries

Our intention with movements@manchester is to improve understanding of social movements and movement-like phenomena. We believe that social movement theories have potentially broader application than is generally seen in current research and also that these theories...