Protest Talks: Gramsci’s Relevance for Our Times
Critical Pedagogy and Global Social Movements under Neoliberal Globalisation. A discussion with Peter Mayo and Nadim Mirshak.
- 3.30-5 pm, Thursday, 13th September 2018.
- G.33, Humanities Bridgeford Street, UoM
Continuing their exchange previously published in Open Democracy, Peter Mayo and Nadim Mirshak explore the challenges of doing critical work under authoritarian contexts and the need to develop a globalisation from below as an alternative to neoliberal globalisation.
By taking Gramsci as a starting point, they explore his enduring relevance with specific references to (post)-uprisings Egypt, critical pedagogy, as well as building alliances between movements in the Global North and Global South. Additionally, they consider the growing influence of neoliberal ideology in higher education, and the role critical academics could play in resisting and functioning under it.
Peter Mayo is a Professor in the Department of Education Studies at the University of Malta. His books include: Hegemony and Education under Neoliberalism (2016); Echoes from Freire for a Critically Engaged Pedagogy (2013); Politics of Indignation (2012); Gramsci and Education (co-edited with Carmel Borg and Joseph Buttigieg, 2002) and Gramsci, Freire and Adult Education: Possibilities for Transformative Action (1999).